Welcome to the most exhaustive Yoga Directory on the WWW.
This section of HealthAndYoga website is part of the Health and Yoga Community and is a people-to-people service. You are free to list your Yoga resources and free to look for Yoga resources. For your convenenience, this comprehensive database of Yoga Teachers, Yoga Studios, Yoga Retreats, Yoga Events and Yoga Resources - simply everything Yoga - has evolved in three sections:
The Editors at HealthAndYoga review each submission in the Yoga Directory. For Yogis around the world, this is a totally human-edited Yoga interface. Keeping in mind that each of your listing is read individually by our editors, given below are some guidelines for submitting your listings in this Yoga Directory:
- Your listings should match the Yoga theme of this directory - Listings which contain irrelevant information may not pass our editors' review (ex: You may not list as a Medical Practioner on our Yoga Directory)
- Your listings should be informative - Please include as much information in your listing as possible. Incomplete listings may not pass our editors' review. Try to fill in all fields in the form.
- Your listings should not contain promotional content - This is not a forum for publicising your Yoga. Please abstain from including sales-talk
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