Our Beginnings:

HealthAndYoga was begun in year 2001 as a life experiment based upon marrying the twin goals of earning a livelihood while spreading the message of one world, one community through the common thread of Love and a desire for a wholesome health.

This guiding principle has stayed with HealthAndYoga until this day which perhaps explains whu the journey has been mostly smooth and immensely satisfying, despite the dramatically changing Internet landscape over the decades.

An essential reason for this has been scrupulously staying away from the dictum "growth at all costs" and instead putting faith on the belief that fragrance spreads at the mercy and pace that nature has ordained for it.

Our Structure:

We, at HealthAndYoga, actually relish but joke about the fact that we are older than Google or Facebook, yet remain a mid-sized, self-sustaining and happy enterprise without anu promotional or ad-spends

As an organization, HealthAndYoga.com has been conceived as a family, where the members believe in the yoga value system. The one common link running through all is a positive attitude, one that promotes cohabita- tion and one backed by strong ethics and humility. But, perhaps the most important thread that runs through all is a genuine love and concern for all those who associate with us at HealthAndYoga. Yoga teachers are the backbone of our assorted activities.

The Journey and our Offerings:

The aim of "Organizing the world offerings on Yoga and Natural health" fitted well with our experiment. During the course HealthAndYoga developed on its platform, several platforms like

Over the years, HealthAndYoga developed various community platforms on itself, with the aim that health professionals and enthusiasts could use them to their advantage. Although dwarfed by the Social Media onslaught, we continue to maintain these for persons who would look beyond the clutter, even at the risk of irrelevance.

Our Inspirations

We have been blessed to come in direct and indirect touch with learned masters, yoga teachers and exalted spiritual teachers during this journey, all of whom have contributed in shaping HealthAndYoga as it stands today.

But our happiest inspirations remain our satisfied customers whose encouraging messages on our products and service commitment, remind us that whatever be the case - we remain on the right path!

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