
Yoga Therapy - A Practical Guide - Hard Copy

  • Not available for India
  • Author : Naga Swami Satyavedananda. Yoga Practices for Health Disorders. Simple practices in easy to learn format
  • Simple Detox & Easy relaxation techniques
  • 73 page paperback book. Available also in downloadable e-format
  • Authored by a Swami with over 40 years experience
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About the Author

Naga Swami Satyavedananda belongs to the lineage of the Satyananda Yoga tradition. He is a direct disciple of Swami Satyananda by whom he was trained in India between 1968 and 1975. He was one of Swami Satyananda’s first batch of sannyasins let loose as swamis and Integral Yoga teachers upon the world. He had a major spiritual experience in meeting his guru and stayed with him for many years. To further the Satyananda mission worldwide, he was sent back to Australia to start up yoga work there and with his own small sum of money he bought the first bit of land and then created what is now the main head office/ashram/academy for Satyananda Ashrams Australia. His knowledge is very traditional and his teachings are simple and basic. He presently resides in Australia.

About the Book

This 73-page publication has come about due to many enquiries regarding the use of yoga as a means of natural therapy.

The relief of these symptoms through simple and easy to perform yoga practices is the essential purpose of this book.

Orthodox medicine is now becoming more and more aware of the importance of the balance between mind and body, realizing that most physical ailments have their origins in poor mental functioning as well as poor physical conditioning. Allopathic medicines (drugs) etc. have been abused and the upsurge of alternative therapies is fast finding a niche in the overall health management field. The reasons for this are simplicity and lack of side effects, the latter being seen all too often today.

The practices contained in this book are simple, effective and proven and are thoroughly recommended to all those whose continuing good health is a "sine qua non" for their life.

This concise book contains practices which, although only a small part of the overall yoga system are extremely relevant to our well being. They have been selected with skill, keeping in mind the special requirements of those who suffer from the stress and tension associated with modern living. The exercises contained in this booklet have been perfected over the centuries to encourage the ductless glands (adrenals, thyroid and pituitary) to normalize their output and "tune up" the body.

Yoga asanas and postures are not just exercises as such. Although certain postures may be done dynamically, like those to reduce weight etc, essentially, yoga postures are positions which the individual adopts in order to rejuvenate, balance and ultimately control various voluntary and involuntary body processes. Each position involves specific parts of the body and all the practices, physical and mental, have the dual aspects of stimulation and pacification.

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Most disease in the body occurs through body abuse. More often than not this is caused through a basic ignorance of one's own body. Initially your practices provide you with a way of knowing your own body strengths and limitations. With practice, these techniques will increase your stress competence and decrease those weaknesses which prevent you from experiencing optimum fitness.

Attempts to prove the total credits of yoga in a world steeped in the doubts and confusions that only a material age can produce, would be a waste of time so what is presented herein is purely practical; for you to test yourself.

Besides the exercises, this book explains in some depth, esoteric techniques which are extremely simple yet remarkably effective in maintaining and restoring optimum health.

Techniques of simple detoxification and deep relaxation are taught in a very easy-to-self-do manner, something that you will find yourself coming back to again and again due to the immediate benefits that they provide.

Besides, this book has exclusive therapy routines drawn out for you based on specific health disorders. These routines can be used as a ready-reckoner to know what exercises to practice for different conditions.

It is only fair to say without any exaggeration that a little regular yoga practice brings about the miracle of health. A feeling of well-being will be the guaranteed outcome of conscientious performance of these exercises, commenced slowly and increased accordingly as the body responds

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Yoga Therapy - A Practical Guide - Hard Copy




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