Bulb Syringe

  • Bulb Syringe comes with the plastic nozzle. The bulb is made of thick natural Eco-friendly durable Rubber. It has Dark Red Color
  • White Plastic Nozzle has Smooth, robust tip without any barbs. Does not hurt.
  • Easy press-fit mechanism that does away with 'leaky' screw system.
  • Safely packaged – Nozzle tucked in “inverted” position. Simply pull out and flip over before use.
  • Discreetly packaged. Made in India.
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Latex Bulb & Nozzle for Low-volume Enema
Made from thick rubber this Bulb Syringe is a durable choice. Its natural rubber latex is an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic derivatives in the market, with a smooth and robust tip without any barbs. The Nozzle can be very easily fitted onto the Bulb Syringe by a Press-fit system. There are no screws to prevent leakage. The Enema Bulb is a handy device to clean the colon.

Ideal for people who want a colon cleanse without too much water. Bulb syringe gives the benefits of colon cleansing without high volume liquid enema kits. It is a shorter variation of the enema process. It is ideal for people who want a quick, easy, "no-setup-required" colon cleanse or douche without too much water ( 8oz.). Best suited for beginners - you don't have to be an expert as it is very easy to use. Because of its compact size, it can be easily carried in your toiletry bag while travelling.

Suitable for low volume enemas usually used to clean the lower part of the colon (the rectum). But, it can easily be attached to a colon tube
If you want to deliver the liquid higher up in the colon. Or
If you face any difficulty in reaching out to squeeze the bulb.
Colon tubes are also available.

Bulb Syringe and Nozzle can be easily disassembled for a hygienic and quick clean-up. All parts can be washed with soap and warm water.

Comes in Discreet packing. To prevent any damage to the nozzle during transit, the nozzle is inverted & tucked into the bulb. Simply pull out the nozzle and put the other end back in the bulb around before using.

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  • Bulb Syringe Volume - 8 ounces (about 237 ml )
  • Nozzle Length- 3 inches

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Bulb Syringe




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