A very famous statement “Health is Wealth” is not only apt for our physical health, but also more importantly for our mental health.

In today’s times, life is very fast paced and one has to deal with several pressures. Unlike the earlier days when people had support in the form of family and their roots, are left more or less alone today, with diminishing family ties, long distances and a highly competitive environment. Nowadays, when success is equated with money, rather than family and friends, it leaves people emotionally vulnerable. This sort of societal pressure wears heavily on our minds, leading to stress regarding fulfillment of expectations.

Every stress, if not handled accumulates in our minds, to become a bigger problem – that may lead to mental health problems.

Factors Affecting Mental Health:

Factors that impact mental health vary from person to person. Some people take the problems in life as challenges and sail through it, whereas some people get overwhelmed and are not able to cope up. Workplace stress, personal inter-relationships, real problems and many times imaginary problems leading to anxiety or worry can impact mental health. There are innumerable causes that can trigger anxiety issues in children or adults. For adults, from getting a good job, sustaining it and growing in their career; for kids, performance in studies or sports, peer pressure, social media or simply information overload can be stressful.

So, it proves that anyone irrespective of age, can develop mental health issues if there is lack of support, maturity, understanding or help.

Mantra To Lead your life with Good Mental Health.

Besides having an open approach towards things in general, one can practice the following ways towards a better mental health.

  • The first thing to promote mental health is to stay optimistic and think positively irrespective of the result. This stimulates the development of mental muscle and keeps you happy while giving you the power to challenge anything.
  • Start communicating and conveying your emotions to your family members and loved ones.
  • Note down your small achievements with dates in a diary and keep looking at them.
  • Divide your task in small step by step goals- Goals which you think are achievable, with the efforts you are willing to put in at that time.
  • Make a time schedule which allows you time to relax and pursue your interests between your work. Don’t forget to do your favorites like dance, listening to music or watching a movie.
  • Introduce Yoga asanas and meditation in your daily routine. You can get help for your yoga practices from the collective range of meditation & relaxation aids .
  • Try to have at least one meal with your family every day.
  • Be interested in yourself and find out what more about yourself.
  • At the end of the day before sleeping, think of the whole day’s activities and how you could better yourself.
  • End your day with a smile and gratitude towards the almighty universe, loved ones, and each one connected to you.

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